Child Protection Policy

The Independent Midwives Association was founded in 2013 by a group of 10 experienced licensed midwives and 5 future midwives (Carol Davila University students), who set out to bring to the forefront the importance of the midwifery in Romania and thereby restoring the right of Romanian women to have a midwife with them during their fertility period. IMA’s mission involves the rehabilitation, consolidation and promotion of the profession of midwife in Romania and, implicitly, the promotion of reproductive health services and adequate health for women of childbearing age, the family, and the mother and child.

Our organization is doing all it can to prevent harm to children so these are the policies that we follow in order to protect children.

Child safeguarding is the main responsibility of our organization to make sure our staff, operations, and programs do no harm children, that we do not expose children to the risk of harm and abuse, and that any concerns the Organization has about children’s safety within the communities in which we work, are reported to the appropriate authorities. “Do no harm” is a principle that has been used in our organization for the past years of our activity.

The following forms of abuse are contrary to the principles of our association and we are fighting to combat them:

Physical abuse: actual or potential physical harm perpetrated by another person, adult or child. It may involve hitting, shaking, poisoning, drowning and burning. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in a child.

Sexual abuse: forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities that he or she does not fully understand and has little choice in consenting to. This may include, but is not limited to, rape, oral sex, penetration, or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching. It may also include involving children in looking at, or producing sexual images, watching sexual activities and encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.

Child sexual exploitation: a form of sexual abuse that involves children being engaged in any sexual activity in exchange for money, gifts, food, accommodation, affection, status, or anything else that they or their family needs. It usually involves a child being manipulated or coerced, which may involve befriending children, gaining their trust, and subjecting them to drugs and alcohol. The abusive relationship between victim and perpetrator involves an imbalance of power where the victim’s options are limited. It is a form of abuse that can be misunderstood by children and adults as consensual. Child sexual exploitation manifests in different ways. It can involve an older perpetrator exercising financial, emotional or physical control over a young person. It can involve peers manipulating or forcing victims into sexual activity, sometimes within gangs and in gang-affected neighborhoods. It may also involve opportunistic or organized networks of perpetrators who profit financially from trafficking young victims between different locations to engage in sexual activity with multiple men.

Neglect and negligent treatment: allowing for context, resources and circumstances, neglect and negligent treatment refers to a persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, which is likely to result in serious impairment of a child’s healthy physical, spiritual, moral and mental development. It includes the failure to properly supervise and protect children from harm and provide for nutrition, shelter and safe living/working conditions. It may also involve maternal neglect during pregnancy as a result of drug or alcohol misuse and the neglect and ill treatment of a disabled child.

Emotional abuse: persistent emotional maltreatment that impacts on a child’s emotional development. Emotionally abusive acts include restriction of movement, degrading, humiliating, bullying (including cyber bullying), and threatening, scaring, discriminating, ridiculing or other non-physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment.

Commercial exploitation: exploiting a child in work or other activities for the benefit of others and to the detriment of the child’s physical or mental health, education, moral or social-emotional development. It includes, but is not limited to, child labor.

All projects and programs of our organization are designed to minimize the risk of harm to the children we come into contact with or impact upon directly or indirectly by taking sufficient account of child safety, whatever the focus of the work is. Our organization is adopting an approach that includes risk assessing of all proposed programs, adapting programs so they are safer for children.

The Independent Midwives Association is striving for a society that respects the rights of children. This Child Protection Policy is developed to ensure the highest standards of professional behavior and personal practice to ensure no harm occurs in any situation to children and adolescents during our activities, projects and social programs.

The Independent Midwives Association will ensure that all our staff, interns, volunteers, consultants, etc. are informed about this policy and act in accordance with all its provisions, and do no harm the children who may come into contact within or outside our work.

If you have any questions related to this Child Protection Policy please contact Independent Midwives Association at and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. și vă vom răspunde în cel mai scurt timp posibil.

The present Policy was updated on 05.05.2023.


Statement of Commitment to The Independent Midwives Association Child Protection Policy

I, ________________________________________________, have read and understood the standards and guidelines outlined in this Child Protection Policy. I agree with the principles contained therein and accept the importance of implementing and promoting the child protection policies, procedures and practices contained within this document while working or associated with The Independent Midwives Association.

________________________________________________ (Date)

Independent Midwives Association
CUI 31853156
Registered under No 1578/A/2013
Headquarters: 16 Victoriei Street, room 046, Buzău Maternity Hospital, Buzău County
Office: 11 Marcel Iancu Street
Bucharest, District 2
Drepturi de autor © 2025 Asociația Moașelor Independente. Toate drepturile rezervate.