Developing the midwifery profession

We are continuously working to strengthen and promote the midwifery profession in Romania as a provider of health care services for women and newborns and are taking numerous steps to reopen midwifery faculties in Romanian medical universities and increase the number of midwives licensed nationwide. At the same time, we offer support for admission preparation, access to study programs and exchange of experience with other countries.

Romania is the only European country where the midwifery profession is at risk of extinction, although our country has the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in Europe. Also, in Romania, more than 80% of underage girls who become mothers drop out of school.

Midwives are essential in the provision of reproductive health services and care for pregnant women, mothers and newborns, helping to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates by providing quality health care during childbearing, pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Midwives can also provide health education, including reproductive health, and counselling for adolescents to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and sexual abuse, thus preventing health and social risks associated with early pregnancy, school drop-out and human trafficking.

To be able to work as a midwife, you need to have a university degree in medical specialisation.

You can attend the Faculty of Midwifery and Medical Assistance (FMAM) at the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest or the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at the "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati.

The duration of the programme is 4 years.

Our association has concluded a protocol of collaboration with UMF "Carol Davila" in Bucharest, as well as with UMF Craiova in which we commit ourselves to promote the midwifery profession and the higher education program for the specialization "Midwives" within the Faculty of Midwifery and Medical Assistance among possible candidates.

At the same time, we offer support in preparing for admission, in accessing study and exchange programs with other countries because we want these programs to attract as many people as possible to contribute to improving the lives of women and children.

Read more about the partnership with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” to promote the midwifery profession

If you want to help reduce the number of maternal and infant deaths in Romania, prevent teenage pregnancies, increase the number of natural births and breastfeeding, we are waiting for you to become a midwife.

În prezent, evaluăm și nevoia de formare și potențialul de candidați pentru posibile facultăți de moașe din cadrul universităților de medicină din toate județele unde acestea sunt prezente. Poți completa chestionarul HERE.

Independent Midwives Association
CUI 31853156
Registered under No 1578/A/2013
Headquarters: 16 Victoriei Street, room 046, Buzău Maternity Hospital, Buzău County
Office: 11 Marcel Iancu Street
Bucharest, District 2
Drepturi de autor © 2025 Asociația Moașelor Independente. Toate drepturile rezervate.