Support and information group

Următoarea sesiune are loc miercuri, 16 octombrie, în intervalul 18.30 – 20.30, la sediul Asociației Moașelor Independente 11 Marcel Iancu St., Bucharest, District 2

🤱 Adaptarea cuplului la viața cu bebelușul și sănătatea psiho-emoţională a proaspeților părinți

Pregnancy and the postnatal period are full of emotions, questions and uncertainties for every woman both about her own body and about the best care for her newborn.

That is why we have created a safe and friendly place for pregnant women and new mothers to get the support, answers and useful information they need to move forward more confidently through the challenges of pregnancy and the postnatal period.

În fiecare săptămână, colegele noastre, moașe licențiate, consultanți în alăptare IBCLC, educatori pre și postnatali, ajută gravidele și proaspetele mame cu sprijin și informații bazate pe dovezi și pe cele mai bune practici internaționale legate de alăptare, menținerea lactației în cazul mamelor de prematuri/copii cu nevoi speciale, îngrijirea și purtarea bebelușului, nevoile și recuperarea mamei după naștere, dar nu numai.

The support and information group addresses, by rotation, the most important topics related to life after birth:
1️⃣ The best start to breastfeeding - how to prepare for breastfeeding and how to prevent and manage potential breastfeeding challenges.
2️⃣ Meeting the newborn: what they look like and what to expect (physiological incidents of the newborn), alarm signals, baby's trousseau, mother's trousseau, maternity bag (what is strictly necessary, what is useful and what is contraindicated to use for us and the baby).
3️⃣ The first weeks at home with the baby - childcare (practical session with dolls).
4️⃣ The couple's transition to life with the baby and the psycho-emotional health of new parents (mommy brain, baby blues, postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis), contraception in breastfeeding.
5️⃣ Benefits and safety of baby wearing in ergonomic wear systems (practical session with wear systems and dolls).
6️⃣ Mother's recovery after childbirth (nutrition, food supplements, exercise).
7️⃣ Baby safety (at home, sleeping, walking, travelling, in the car) and first aid measures.
8️⃣ Baby's early challenges (colic, intolerances, allergies, reflux, growth spurts, sucking strike) - how to identify and manage them.
Sessions are FREE and dedicated to pregnant and new parents.
Au loc săptămânal, în intervalul 18.30 – 20.30, la sediul Asociației Moașelor Independente (str. Marcel Iancu 11, Sector 2, București) Sessions are held by our colleagues Livia Toboșaru, licensed midwife, birth story listener, lactation consultant (IBCLC), Lamaze prenatal educator, or Adina Păun, licensed midwife, lactation consultant (IBCLC), pre and postnatal educator.

For the participation of the partner in at least 4 sessions, the childcare certificate is provided.

Register now!

Independent Midwives Association
CUI 31853156
Registered under No 1578/A/2013
Headquarters: 16 Victoriei Street, room 046, Buzău Maternity Hospital, Buzău County
Office: 11 Marcel Iancu Street
Bucharest, District 2
Copyright © 2024 Independent Midwives Association. All rights reserved.