Health for all women

Creștem accesul la servicii de sănătate a reproducerii și la serviciile furnizate de moașe

Romania faces one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates and some of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the European Union, as well as very high incidence and mortality rates for cervical cancer and breast cancer.

Antenatal care is very difficult to access in the public health system, and pregnant women who cannot afford to pay for fetal screening and fetal morphology privately do not have access to these essential services at all. Prenatal education courses for parents and lactation counseling with qualified personnel are not reimbursed. More than 60% of women give birth by caesarean section, in most cases without a medical reason or without the woman's request for the procedure, newborns are separated from their mothers immediately after birth and breastfeeding support is lacking.

Reproductive health services, including modern contraception and family planning services, are becoming increasingly inaccessible for many people. These problems affect women's lives, health and rights every day.

Several civil society organizations fighting for women's rights are joining forces to bring the role of midwives to public and institutional attention. We believe that the too low number of midwives in Romania and the lack of billing for their services is the missing link in the health system

What we are working on

  • Training for health professionals on reproductive health, reproductive rights, perinatal health, gender equality, intersectionality and anti-discrimination policies
  • Good practice exchanges between midwives from Romania and France
  • Legal steps for full recognition of the midwifery profession in Romania and reimbursement of services provided by midwives on an independent basis
  • Conduct a study showing the needs and benefits of recognizing the midwifery profession and recommendations for health institutions
  • Raising awareness about midwifery and reproductive health in an advocacy campaign #RomaniaNeedsMidwives

Înscrie-te la Cursuri pentru:

  • Moașe
  • Medici obstetricieni-ginecologi
  • Medici de planificare familială
  • Medici de medicină de familie
  • Asistenți medicali
  • Asistenți medicali comunitari

În prezent, derulăm și ateliere pentru moașe care oferă servicii femeilor și persoanelor vulnerabile: ateliere de psihoeducație cu privire la aspectele psihologice și relaționale referitoare la mamă, bebeluș și tată în perioada perinatală.
Atelierele sunt susținute de Mădălina Lavinia Ivanciu, psiholog, consilier psihologic și psihoterapeut, formată în consiliere psihologică și psihoterapie experiențială și a unificării centrată pe adult - copil - cuplu - familie; psihoterapii scurte colaborative, centrate pe resurse și soluții; teoria și terapia traumei psihice orientată pe identitate (IoPT); EMDR pentru adulți (Nivel 1 și 2), copii și adolescenți; Programul de educație parentală Cercul Siguranței.

Cursurile nu sunt creditate EMC.

Project implemented by

with the support of

Independent Midwives Association
CUI 31853156
Registered under No 1578/A/2013
Headquarters: 16 Victoriei Street, room 046, Buzău Maternity Hospital, Buzău County
Office: 11 Marcel Iancu Street
Bucharest, District 2
Copyright © 2024 Independent Midwives Association. All rights reserved.